Monday, February 16, 2009


Poslala mi Aleksandra Izgarjan. Teme su na nivou nasih grupa za vezbe, a ne na nivou generacije.

XIX Century American Literature
Summer Term

1. The Beginnings of American Fiction

2. The American Renaissance: Background of Ideas
Washington Irving: Literary Biography
James Fennimore Cooper: Literary Biography

3. Transcendentalism
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Literary Biography
“Self-Reliance”, “Nature”, and “Language”
4. Nathaniel Hawthorne: Literary Biography
The Scarlet Letter: Form, Narrative Structure, Symbolism

5. American Novel as Romance

6. Herman Melville: Literary Biography

“Benito Cereno”: Themes

7. Edgar Allan Poe: Literary Biography
“The Raven”: Structure, Themes, Unity of Effect

8. Walt Whitman: Literary Biography
Poems: Themes, Form, Structure

9. Emily Dickinson: Literary Biography
Poems: Themes

XIX Century American Literature
Summer Term

1. Introductory class
2. “Rip Van Winkle”: Themes – Discussion
3. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: Themes and Modern Interpretations –
4. The Scarlet Letter: Transition of Hester Prynne from Adulteress to Angel –
5. The Scarlet Letter: Transformation of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth –
6. “Young Goodman Brown”: Story, Themes, Characters

7. “The Fall of the House of Usher”: Themes – Presentation
8. “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” – Discussion
9. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: Themes – Discussion

XIX Century American Literature
Exam Topics

1. The Beginnings of American Fiction
2. The American Renaissance: Background of Ideas
3. Washington Irving: Literary Biography
4. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: Country Life vs. City Life
5. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: Elements of Horror
6. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: Elements of Humor
7. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: Problem of Evil
8. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: Treatment of Women
9. “Rip Van Winkle”: Dream as Metaphor
10. “Rip Van Winkle”: Woman as a “Cultural Villain”
11. “Rip Van Winkle”: Transition of American Society
12. James Fennimore Cooper: Literary Biography
13. Transcendentalism: Ideas
14. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Literary Biography
15. American Novel as Romance
16. Nathaniel Hawthorne: Literary Biography
17. The Scarlet Letter: Form and Narrative Structure
18. The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism
19. The Scarlet Letter: The Character of Hester
20. The Scarlet Letter: The Character of Dimmesdale
21. The Scarlet Letter: The Character of Chillingworth
22. “Young Goodman Brown”: Problem of Evil
23. “Young Goodman Brown”: Dream vs. Reality
24. “Young Goodman Brown”: Faith
25. “Young Goodman Brown”: Character of Goodman Brown
26. “Young Goodman Brown”: Puritanism and Perception of Mystery
27. Herman Melville: Literary Biography
28. “Benito Cereno”: Problem of Evil
29. “Benito Cereno”: Racism and Colonialism
30. “Benito Cereno”: The Character of Benito Cereno
31. “Benito Cereno”: The Character of Captain Delano
32. Edgar Allan Poe: Literary Biography
33. “The Raven”: Structure, Themes, Unity of Effect
34. “The Fall of the House of Usher”: Elements of Horror
35. “The Fall of the House of Usher”: Characters of Roderick and Madeline Usher
36. Walt Whitman: Literary Biography
37. Walt Whitman’s Poems: Themes, Form, Structure
38. “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking”: Themes and Structure
39. “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”: Themes, Form, Style
40. Emily Dickinson: Literary Biography
41. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: Theme of Love
42. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: Theme of Religion
43. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: Theme of Nature
44. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: Theme of Poetry
45. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: Theme of Death



MiRcHy said...

tema 8 "out of the cradle endlessly rocking"

v grupa:
Milana Marinkov
Milica Mutic
Tijana Novakovic

g grupa:
Mirjana Sekicki

Mesecarka said...
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Anonymous said...

34. "The Fall of the House of Usher" - Elements of Horror, Adriana Stojanovic, Edit Sidji, Marko Matic, grupa G.

Mesecarka said...
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Mesecarka said...

Ovako... Ako se treba prijaviti za tebe pod "seminar" onda za sedmu temu, i "Fall of the House of Usher" pisi Andrea Gombos i Vladmiri Ceha iz grupe A... A, ako se prijavljujemo po ovih drugim temama, gde ih ima 45, onda pisi 34. tema, Elements of horror Andrea Gombos i Vladimir Ceha, a tema 35. Ana Erkic, Iva Dulic i Ljiljana Gacic...

nessy :) said...
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Mesecarka said...

Takodje, ako se prijavljuje za od onih devet tema, onda Iva, Ana i Ljilja zele da rade Scarlet Letter, transition of Hester Prynne, itd...

jelena said...

4. The Scarlet Letter: Transition of Hester Prynne from Adulteress to Angel –

Grupa v : Čila Maćko, Milica Pandurov i Nataša Medančić.

Vanja said...

The Scarlet Letter: Transformation of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth – Jelena Jovanovic, Vanja Ljubic i Milica Lalic grupa B

Unknown said...

Vanessa, posto su se neki zalili da nemaju pristup internetu i da ne proveravaju svoj profil, teme ce biti danas pre predavanja iz Sintakse II na nasoj oglasnoj. Ishpartala sam na 4 dela za svaku grupu i napisala brojeve tema, pa vi brze-bolje cekajte tamo ili da mi javite lepo ko ce sta, pa da ja to ispisem pa da se ne otimate tamo. U mojoj grupi su vec, fakticki, razgrabljene sve teme.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Prezentacije treba da traju 15 minuta, ostatak casa cemo provestii u diskusiji.
U timovima moze da bude troje ili eventualno dvoje studenata.
Svaki tim treba da preda i dve strane propratnog teksta sa bibliografijom izvora koji su koristili za prezentaciju.

Mona said...

Mi ne znamo kako drugacije da se prijavimo, so...

Tema br. 7 za seminar, V grupa:

7. “The Fall of the House of Usher”: Themes – Presentation

1. Jelena Repac
2. Tomislav Tot
3. Mona Popovic

nessy :) said...

The Scarlet Letter: Transformation of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth

Maravic Jelena

monte.krista said...

napises da se prijavljujemo tako sto ostavimo komentar, a onda na mentorskim konsultacijama sa izgarjan kazes da si sve ovo okacila da bismo samo videli teme, a ne da bismo se ovde prijavljivali. sledeci put se odluci za jedno i drzi se toga.